
  • Solving this jigsaw puzzle and posting about this sweepstakes for Big Red makes me eligible for free Xanga Premium for life...

  • Strange Sight of the Day:

    A nun buying a Metro Card. She was dressed all in white with a thick, white strip of cloth covering her eyes. (Is there some religious version of pin the tail on the donkey?) Most odd was the fact that over the cloth, she wore a pair of reading glasses. If she's having trouble seeing, perhaps it might be best to remove the cloth covering her eyes? Just a thought.

  • Just an Observation... Okay, is it just me or do John Kerry and John Edwards both have big, white donkey teeth? And George Bush has big ears. We've all noticed how some people tend to look like their dogs, but does that also hold true for politicians and their party mascots?

  • Awwww...
    I went out in the rain tonight on a Diet Coke run, and I happened to pass a man in a black parka. He was walking a little brown puppy in a yellow raincoat. At the sight of them, I stopped for a second. My mouth involuntarily slipped into a fawning pout.
    "That's too precious!" interjected an effeminate man walking to my right.
    I giggled a little. Had the puppy been wearing galoshes, I might have had to smother it with affection.

  • Crazy Pills
    Check out what one of my friends bought for me the other day: Sinfully Delicious Candy Bites. I can't remember ever eating a weirder candy. About the size of Necco Wafers, these little pill-like tablets claim to mimic the tastes of the "world's 12 most decadent desserts" with only 2 calories each. And as it says on the box, "the portable pack is perfect for your pocket, purse, or briefcase."

    While we were standing outside waiting for my friend's car to show up to take her to the airport, she remarked, "Gee, I really wish I had a piece of Key Lime Pie right now, but it has too many calories, and it can't fit into my pocket."
    "What if I told you that you could fit the tastes of 12 desserts into your pocket?" I said like an infomercial announcer, "And for only 2 calories?!"

    These candies are so weird and awesome. Suddenly, I think I know what to get everyone I know for Christmas.

  • Summer Reading
    Please do yourself a favor and get this book that is coming out tomorrow. I know you're probably on like page 400 of that unwieldy new Harry Potter tome, but this book is so worth it. I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy, and I read it cover to cover without putting it down.

    Parker leads such a fascinating life that I found myself wishing she had a blog. There was just something extremely likable about her that I could relate to. Maybe it was her creativity. Or her self-absorbed nature. Or the fact that she has crazy friends who do insane things like date billionaires and get themselves kidnapped. Or the fact that she's not really sure what she's doing with her life. It's beautifully written, fast-paced, and funny. AND SOMEONE DIES! (Oh, wait, that's Harry Potter. Sorry.)
    Check it out if you can.